The Yesoiday HaTorah Multi Academy Trust, Manchester will be committed to securing excellence in its academies, by supporting them as they develop an ethos and learning environment based upon Torah values and principles.

Main aims

  • To instil in our pupils knowledge of the Torah, good character traits and a love of G-d, and for this to be reflected in all aspects of the curricula offered.
  • To deliver an excellent curriculum in both Kodesh and national curriculum subjects, within a framework that also pays close attention to the personal development of pupils.
  • To ensure that all pupils succeed and thrive by raising aspirations and meeting the needs of every child.
  • The personal development aims of the Multi Academy Trust are:
  1. To create and develop positive relationships.
  2. To create an environment that promotes growth.
  3. To foster self-esteem and confidence.
  4. To foster effective communication between children, teachers, parents and the wider community.
  5. To foster respect for all.

In fulfilling these aims the Multi Academy Trust will be a place where every child is taught according to his/her entitlement and ability academically, emotionally and socially.  The children will learn and the staff will work in a happy and relaxed atmosphere, where parents and carers are welcomed as part of the academy community, all benefiting from mutual support and encouragement.

 Aspirational and measurable outcomes

  • For all pupils to make consistently good or better progress across all year groups, with nearly all at age-related expectation and many exceeding it.
  • For all lessons to show a strong context for learning (i.e. at least graded good or outstanding) that ensures all pupils are fully engaged and are applying basic skills appropriately.
  • For all academies to be well-led and governed.
  • For all academies to become self-improving organisations that can drive their own continual improvement within the context of support for the Multi Academy Trust.
  • All academies to be judged good or better in both Ofsted inspections and Section 48 inspections.


Key relationships

  • The Yesoiday HaTorah Multi Academy Trust will build positive relationships, working with parents, carers and whole families to involve them in the education of their children, and enabling them to play an active part in the structures that will shape their offspring’s future is seen as a priority in our Multi Academy Trust.
  • The Multi Academy Trust will build strong links with the local community.

We seek to promote these types of local partnerships and through them draw on local resources, facilities, expertise and energy to provide high quality learning experiences and placing our schools at the heart of the community.

Teacher Training

  • Identify training needs, be it SLT, MLT, staff teaching or TA, LSA.  A comprehensive programme of staff needs undertaken.
  • Identify talents in all academies at all levels.
  • Clarify where training will be best suited in house.
  • If yes, then look at the practicalities of this training in house.
  • If not, look at the number of training opportunities within Bury, our Teaching School Alliance in Altrincham and the vast number of partnership schools throughout England, to identify best training options.
  • Identify where bespoke in house training is best and where going on courses will be best.
  • In building further management capacity, the CEO will provide training for SLT as well as looking for management courses and qualifications for talented aspiring members of the leadership team.